Do Not Compare Yourself


Wise advice from Aliphine Tuliamuk, elite runner, as told by Molly Seidel:

Before the Houston Half back in Jan I was worried my training wasn't enough, that I couldn't work out as hard as veteran marathoners did. A really smart friend sitting with me on the bus to the start said "Why do you compare your workouts to others? You aren't them so your training isn't their training. Last year I was injured and could only train for 6 weeks but I ran my best marathon; if you trust that your body is strong it will do great things."

... and they finished within a few seconds of each other in the 2020 US Olympic Trials marathon!

(cf Self Standardization (2002-04-06), Slower Runner's Guide (2002-10-30), ...) - ^z - 2020-03-08